He said to a
group of us who had just been elected to General Synod that, “The first duty of
members of General Synod is to try to defeat the platform!”
His words
shocked more than a few of us! But there
was great wisdom in what he said. The ‘platform’
of the great and good are the ones with the appearance of power in General
Synod. Ensconced in almost magisterial
isolation, set above the rank and file of Synod members, the temptation is to believe
that they must be right when they tell you something is good, or something
is bad! This is particularly true when speeches from the platform are made with
such Anglican politeness and distinguished reserve that anyone who might try to
question them runs the risk of seeming untrusting and churlish, reactionary or
revolutionary (hardly Anglican traits!)
Yet the duty
of Synod members is not to meekly bow down to the received wisdom of
church dignitaries, however deep their shade of purple or however many Boards
and Committees they sit on. The duty of
Synod members is to question and scrutinise – to examine the substance behind
the smoke screen of polished presentation.
The duty of Synod members is to probe beneath the surface of reasonable
acceptability to see if the Emperor does indeed have clothes to cover his
This is what
Diocesan Synods have done with great courage and perception over the last few
months. They have not been taken in by
the great and good standing up in true Tony Blair fashion saying ‘Trust me!’ They have wanted to hear both sides, and to
make their own minds up. It has been Synodical Government at its best.
The fact
that so many clergy and lay people voted against their Bishops showed that when
they really looked beneath the surface of the proposed Covenant, they found it
wanting. And in doing so time and time again,
they defeated the platform. And where
Bishops had the courage of their convictions and voted against, they found
themselves at one with their flock, rather than trying to drag them along in
humble submission.
There are
those who are still trying to pretend that the Covenant is still alive,
desperately trying to breathe life into its limp body, while claiming still to
feel the faintest pulse. They are
What is
needed now is to recognise the will of the Synodical process, and express deep
and sincere thanks to those who genuinely tried to find a way forward for the Anglican
Communion in the form of a Covenant – and to let it now Rest in Peace.
Having led
hundreds of funerals since my ordination over 20 years ago, I know that the
best funerals are those where the mourners gather to say a loving good bye –
and the worst are those where the grievers meet in a kind of desperate denial.
For the good
intentions of those who tried to square this circle, the Anglican Covenant deserves
a good funeral which will enable us all to move on and find new ways of living
together as the living Anglican Body of Christ.
The Anglican
Covenant – RIP.
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