Sunday, 1 April 2012

Soundtrack for Holy Week - Palm Sunday

There are times when it is right to set aside controversies and arguments to focus on that which draws people together, and closer to God.

So like last year, I will be taking a break from the twists and turns of trying to work towards a more inclusive church, to focus on the most inclusive act of human history - the death of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Even as he was nailed to the cross, he prayed for forgiveness for the people who were driving the nails into his hand and feet - for the people who had beaten and ridiculed him - for the religious and political leaders who had framed him and washed their hands of him.

So this week, I will be posting some music each day, looking at the events and people who lived out this week with Jesus.

Today's song is performed by Seventh Day Slumber - an American rock/worship band.  Its a remix of a well known song to priase for the day when the crowds welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem with shouts and songs of celebration and praise.

How great is our God...

To view the other Soundtracks for Holy Week follow the links below:


  1. Stephen Donald1 April 2012 at 22:45

    Thanks Benny - we all need a chance to refocus - and as you say, this Holy / Horrific Week is one of those times for Christians. Every blessing, Stephen

    1. Thanks for commenting Stephen and my prayers for a Holy and Blessed week for you

  2. this will be something to look forward to = thank you. Is it possible you will one day post some of the meditations you did with the school? it would be a great link to share.

    1. Thank you so much - I will look at some of the material I used at school. And I now know how to make a You Tube Video too... (new skill for the day!)

      Every Blessing!
